Hi Everyone

This is a place where I share my ideas and the one's which I got from others. I do mention their name and where I met them in getting the idea.

I do not have way's or means to execute my ideas. It is more of my wish list

This is a place where you can give your ideas or wish list hoping that some day some one will give to y(our) ideas / wish list.

John Prabhakaran

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Trip to Mars for 2 Cents (INR 10)

Cheapest travel to Mars

Today the second retro rockets fired to push Mangalyan from 1,18642 KM to 1,92,874 KM away from earth.  Still it is under earth's gravity field.  On December 1 the third and last push will be given to send it to Mars.

Some facinating facts

  1. Indias Mangalyan (probe to Mars) spends 475 kgs of Dry mass to travel 4.5 million killometers. 

  2. Total cost Rs. 450 crores (big for a country like India) apx 7 Million USD.

  3. Fuel consumption per killometer 0.94 kgs of dry mass.

  4. Expenditure Rs. 10 per kilometer or less than 2 cents (USD).

  5. Travel 300 days  using fuel of 475 kgs that's something.

If one can to mars travelling travel up to 4.5 million KM's using 475 kgs of fuel and traveling for 300 days.  Well they use the earth's magnetic field.

Then why can't we make cheap magnetic cars using earth's magnetic field. Well...... read on.


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