Hi Everyone

This is a place where I share my ideas and the one's which I got from others. I do mention their name and where I met them in getting the idea.

I do not have way's or means to execute my ideas. It is more of my wish list

This is a place where you can give your ideas or wish list hoping that some day some one will give to y(our) ideas / wish list.

John Prabhakaran

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Jurasic Park is here

Dr. Alan you are required again.

The scientist are planning to do it in real.  After the sucessful movie of Jurasic Park where they combined both science and fiction to bring life to Dinosar now a new though process is put forth.

Dino's and birds are similar in nature so now they want to re-engineer Dino's for what fun? I do not know.

I agree with Dr. Ian (Jurasic Park) that these species were eliminated by mother nature (due to overpopulation?) and why on earth bring it back.

Why can't these bio engineers find remedy for such life threatening ailments like cancer than go for all those jumbho mumbho.  Well............

But there is one more John Hammond namely Dr. Woollard believes that he can bring back Dino's.

So read on.


Friday, December 20, 2013

Solar lamp sorry Sun Lamp

Trust me this is solar lamp sorry Sun Lamp

Came across a useful product which is available where Sun light is reflected on to a surface to give light.

The reflector keeps his position changing so that the reflected light is focused on one area all the time.

Best solar once again sorry very sorry Sun Lamp is here to buy.


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Diamonds in Antarctica

Oh My God let it not be true

A researched has found some evidence that Antarctica has diamonds namely presence of kimberlitic rocks.   So far Antarctica is the only place where mining is banned.

If these findings become true then the last nature reserve will become extinct.

I truly pray that this finding will not come real, God please leave this place alone.
Read by the below link.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Super computer now super water heater

1 Nano liter water under 1 pico second to 600 deg C. WOW

Water boils to 600 deg C in pico second i.e. one trillonth of a second.

Tetrahertz radiation is used which is between radio waves and infra red waves.

This is yet to come to kitchen ware. It is an experiment conducted by DESY a german group of scientists.

One billonth of a liter i.e. 1 ml of water broken into one million parts i.e

1 liter divided by one billion = 1 Nano liter of water (10 to the power of -9).

The water is heated by electro magnetic wave whose wavelength is between radio waves and infra red called tetrahertz radiation.

Water heats upto 600 deg C under one trillionth of a second before it burst up.

DESY has filed a report and yet to test the same as per the below link.

However this will be the fastest ever mode of heat transfer under a very short time.



Monday, December 16, 2013

Man made earthquakes - Terminator

Think of movie Terminator as you read this.

It is not going to be nuclear aresenal but earthquake that may finish us off.  A study shows that recent earthquake is man-made.  Trust me it says man made.

Logic very simple.  We dig deep and pile on top, both solid and liquid.

Recent earthquakes in China and England caused because of us.

So read on fellows the Judgement Day is here.


Any one seen Arnold schwarzenegger ask him to pay a visit again to our time slot.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Out of Air but mangalyan moves

In outer space there is no air then how the fuel is burnt to give thrust.

The trajectory correction has taken place on Mangalyan but how fuel is burnt when there is no air.

Well concept is like this.

Fuel: Monomethylhydrazine

Air/Oxygen: Dinitrogentetraoxide

The oxide gives out the required oxygen to burn the basic fuel.

Now the mangalyan is at 2.9 million kilometers away from earth roughly 0.4% from the total distance to be travelled of 680 million kilometers.

Well let’s keep watching.

Friday, December 6, 2013

A Car with No engine

Trust me even I do not believe it
Read an article about a electrical car developed by Ohio University where there is no engine.
What more no gears.
No transmission devices.
Then how this car runs?
Well each wheel is powered by a separate electrical motor with power backup.
The car moves and turns. Well fellows who wish to ride. But first read this article (link given below) before you jump in.
Commercial production will take another 5 to 10 years. So let's wait.


Thursday, December 5, 2013

3D Movie, 3D TV and now 3D printer

3D Printers are here

After much talked about 3D movies and TVS now a new form came into being.  3D printer that print an object in three dimensions.

You all need one printer to print anything in real shape it could be toys and it could be guns.

Now the 3D printer is here what next. In time duplicator's will be the order of the day.  If you have gun a scanner of high efficienty will scan and give prinout a real gun as per the number of copies order.

Oh my god with so much gun culture already a duplicator 3D machine mmm my head spins....

Hope the next stage won't come.



Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Mangalyan is out of influence

Yes no body can influence Mangalyan

The Mangalyan has crossed 9.25 Lakh kilometer today (0.925 Million) to escape the earth gravity known as Sphere of Influence (SOI).

Now it esacped earth gravitaional force and the first ever object of India to cross this.

Wishing all the very best to the long travel another 300 days to go.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Star Treck - The Enterprise is reality. Sir Isac Newton please excuse

Now scientist are believing in star treck


As per this article new progress is made in anti-gravity and in anti-matter. 

In star treck  it is portrayed as a mean by which their space ship “the Enterprise” moves from galaxy to galaxy without spending much on fuel.

If this technology comes into being then there is no need of fossil fuel.
Well too wishful thinking for now but still….

Check the link below

Sunday, December 1, 2013