Hi Everyone

This is a place where I share my ideas and the one's which I got from others. I do mention their name and where I met them in getting the idea.

I do not have way's or means to execute my ideas. It is more of my wish list

This is a place where you can give your ideas or wish list hoping that some day some one will give to y(our) ideas / wish list.

John Prabhakaran

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Rain Vs Road and rail

Rain water harvesting is talked about more but not practised.  Government preaches a lot to others but the buildings own by them needs some care. 

We have a large network of road and railways.  Many a time these are not motorable due to water stagnation.  Why can't this be pooled in to a pond to raise the ground water level.

We also know that many times the railway track is submerged in water again can some regulation can be brough in where rain water harvesting is a must for rail line and for road.

Well I am also scracting my head for idea.

IDEA ......mmmmm........IDEA.....mmmmm........YES........NO-IDEA

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