Hi Everyone

This is a place where I share my ideas and the one's which I got from others. I do mention their name and where I met them in getting the idea.

I do not have way's or means to execute my ideas. It is more of my wish list

This is a place where you can give your ideas or wish list hoping that some day some one will give to y(our) ideas / wish list.

John Prabhakaran

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Train to Moon, Yes you heard it right. Destination Mars Via Moon.

 Japan is planning on a concept to have a rail connection with Mars having a change over in moon.  Sounds funny well the concept is here read on.



1. Create a living space in Mars with 1G gravity so you feel at home.

2. Create a transport system bullet train to Mars.

3. Change over at Moon.


So announcement in moon will  be "The next train to Mars from Earth Via Moon is arriving shortly in ...... "

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